Arizona’s Preferred Curriculum

The Curriculum Information Portal serves as a valuable resource for parents, educators, school board members, and community members seeking to distinguish between curriculum that is academically centered and that which is permeated with political, ideological, and social and emotional dogma.

This portal emerged in response to recent discoveries of lesson plans, books, and surveys revealing a discernible trend within the education system. Academic literature is being employed as a manipulative tool to shape ideas, ideologies, values, and character in our students.

Several critical components contribute to the success of students, with curriculum standing out as one of the most pivotal. Curriculum, a blend of facts and opinions conveyed through a vast amount of information, requires careful consideration. We must be mindful of what our children consume, as it shapes the adults they become, influences their comprehension levels, and determines the knowledge they can demonstrate.

Curriculum tainted with social justice ideology deviates from providing students with genuine knowledge of facts and subject matters. Instead, it preoccupies students with irrelevant, unintellectual, and, in many cases, harmful content that affects their self-esteem, worldview, and academic achievement.

Here, you will find a compiled list categorizing curriculum into the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is essential for all users to conduct further research on the information provided. This portal serves as a starting point for invested parties to explore the educational content our children are exposed to.

It is no secret that Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is mandated through funding and law in the state of Arizona. Moreover, federal funding and grants not only dictate what schools should teach but also how it should be taught. This imposition compels states to adhere to a "one size fits all" solution, which is not conducive to the diverse needs of children. Federal legislations like "Common Core," "The Race to the Top," "No Child Left Behind," designed to simplify education, have unfortunately resulted in the dumbing down of our children, weakening our economy, and producing non-productive members of society. A partial remedy lies in enforcing a robust and effective curriculum.

  • If you are a school board member, initiate the process of questioning your staff about the curriculum in use and cross-reference their responses with our list.

  • For educators frustrated with classroom results and attributing it to the curriculum, this list serves as a guide to advocate for beneficial changes in your school.

  • For parents unable to independently research different curricula, this tool facilitates a comparison with what your child learns at school. It helps navigate through what our committee deems safe and worthy, as opposed to harmful and marginal curriculum.

Accountability can only be achieved by identifying the adversary.

This list is designed for that purpose, and we hope you find it useful. 

To provide context to this project, recent years have illuminated three primary motivations driving curriculum companies:

1.    Money/Revenue.

2.    Participation in a coordinated effort to infuse social justice into all aspects of learning.

3.    "Dumbing down" students to increase "equity" and drive higher passing scores on standardized testing (from which they profit).

The motivations of curriculum companies, combined with the shift to digital learning, have impacted individuals, particularly parents. Textbooks, lesson plans, surveys, and reading materials have transitioned into thousands of webpages, forming a labyrinth difficult to navigate. Online sources, with their ever-changing nature, provide convenient hiding places for these companies.

We suggest that most curriculum published in the last 10 years, especially in the last few years, is saturated with common core, social emotional learning, and similar ideologies. We sincerely recommend avoiding newer curriculum and insisting on older versions whenever possible.

It is also highly advised to minimize the use of online curriculum. While we acknowledge the digital world we live in, the inability to fully grasp the entirety of online curriculum leads us to steer away from it.

Curriculum & Resources

Good curriculum K-5

Good curriculum 6-8

Good curriculum 9-12

Why Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is NOT What they Tell You It Is

It sounds so innocuous, so appropriate and positive, doesn’t it?

Let us tell you what SEL really is and why it is one of the most dangerous and harmful practices in public schools today.

  1. Claims that SEL is “evidence-based” have been vastly oversold.

  2. SEL has become an ideologically charged enterprise.

  3. The data collection involved in SEL implementation poses major risks to the privacy of students and families.

  4. SEL implementation tends to resemble the practice of unlicensed therapy by unqualified school employees.

SEL has been in most public-school districts since 2016 and one effective way to discredit the method is to collect data & research. Gather the proficiency statistics on your school district or state and compare the results over the last 10 years. Many schools are seeing a rapid decline in proficiency since the focus has shifted from academics to ideology with SEL. Additionally, reports are showing a massive increase in adolescent mental health with the implementation of SEL. Lastly, SEL is a massive money maker for companies that produce school resources on the taxpayer’s dime. It is estimated that by 2025, it will be a 3.5-BILLION-dollar market. CASEL claims SEL gives an 11 to 1 return on investment while ignoring that academics, behaviors, and mental health is declining rapidly. Calculate the money spent on SEL at your school, district, or state levels and combine the amount with other declining statistics to expose the fraudulent claims from SEL advocates.

Read More and Educate Yourself on SEL

Additional Resources

Social Emotional Learning: A Guide for Parents, Moms for Liberty Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has systemically transformed education causing massive spending, declining mental health, plummeting proficiency rates, and concerning anti-American rhetoric. This parent guide is an introduction to SEL that is easy to understand with action steps to implement in your community.

Courage Is A Habit: SEL Decoder Learn the language SEL uses to lull you into compliance.

Courage Is A Habit: SEL Surveys "In-class surveys are how your child's data is manipulated to justify more destructive Social Emotional Learning programs. We explain how the surveys work and what you can do about it immediately to protect your child." Click to learn more.

Social-Emotional Learning: “No One Is Fooled”, Education Next Why not just talk about “respect” or “responsibility”?

Kingdom First Motherhood The REAL and DARK Dangers of Social-Emotional Learning for Kids.

Social Studies and History, 1619 Curriculum & BLM

Are you uncomfortable with the curriculum or lesson plans that your child is learning in school? You’re not alone. There are thousands of parents around the country who are in the exact same boat. Click here for a comprehensive list of articles from Parents Defending Education.

Bad curriculum (SEL, Common Core)

Amplify Math

Beyond Textbooks 

Capstone's PebbleGo online curriculum


Bedford, Freeman and Worth MacMillan Publishing 

Big Ideas Math 

Engage NY Math

McGraw Hill


Teachers’ Curriculum Institute (TCI) - (See report

Homeschooling Curriculum


Alpha Omega: 

A Reason For: 

BJU Press: 



Christian Light: 

Common Sense Press: 


Heart of Dakota: 

Memoria Press: 

Moving Beyond the Page: 

My Father’s World: 


Rod and Staff: 

The Good and the Beautiful: